zheng wei

Hi I'm Zheng Wei, thanks for checking out my page!

These are some old side projects I have done whilst learning JavaScript and React.

I am a year 2 student from SUTD working on a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Design and a Master of Science in Technology Entrepreneurship.

I am currently looking for a full-time internship as a software developer/engineer from May 2024 to Aug 2024. Please contact me at zhengwei_ng@mymail.sutd.edu.sg and I will be happy to share more.

Projects I've Built

React Hangman

Built with React for a TikTok bootcamp.

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Todo List App

A simple todo list application. Edits are automatically saved to your localStorage.

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Restaurant Page Template

A restaurant page template built to practice DOM manupulation with Javascript.

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Tic Tac Toe

Simple TicTacToe game to play against your friend.

Built using composition OOP concept

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My Library

Serves as an online library to track the books that you have read.

Edits are automatically saved to your localStorage.

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Apple calculator imitation

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A fun sketching app where when cursor hovers gives boxes a random color.

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